Thursday, August 7, 2008

Only 15 Days Left!!!

Ahh! It is quite scary how something like this creeps slowly nearer, like a huge monster in a horror film. However, this trip is not so scary like Frankenstein. I'm really excited!!! Today is my fourth day of Japanese class and I've already learned so much! I've learned proper greetings, identifying objects, and telling time thus far. I think we are going to move into money next. So far it all has been very useful for me. Actually, I have to go do some homework and study for a quiz on telling time now, so sayonara!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, It's actually 8/8/08 the date of the Olympic Opening in Beijing. Having experience learning an Asian language I give you total credit. Japanese gets pretty difficult with the 3-different writing systems but the fact that you are learning the basics and actually going alone in this journey, just wanted you to know how proud we are of you.
    You're still around but we probably won't be up in Vermont before you leave, :(
    So keep studying and don't get too nervous. Okay the hail outside is starting to rip up my window screen so I better end this before the second day of apocalyptic lightning storms take out the internet.
