Friday, August 29, 2008

It has rained, and rained and rained. まいにちあめがふりました!

But yesterday I saw the Sun!!!!! It really made my day. The sky has been clearing up a little, but still raining every day. I haven't been taking many pictures, (sorry!) but here are some that I have: This cool kid named Mike who I sat with on the plane. This is my room, quite small, however I like it a lot. It smells good. However, notice the lack of bed. If you look inside that closet you will see my bed, folded up in a neat pile. That is where it goes during the day. Here is the garden outside my house. It is very nice! I haven't gotten to take many pictures of this yet, but in Rokkasho there are like 40 windmills. HUGE. Soon, I will get more pics. I have ten months, you know! Otherwise, school is sugoi (cool). I had a meeting with rotary, which was pretty boring, but the lunch was good. I also got a cell phone, I had my first Japanese lessons, and I've met a ton of people. They call me Harry Potter. I got a haircut too, because school rules don't allow for color. That's pretty much it, so I'm not gonna drag on. Sayonara!!! Dakota


  1. Looks great! Love the garden! When is the rainy season over? What did you do over the weekend? Lv ma

  2. Sweet! Breaking school rules upon arrival. Tell them it's Ish's fault.

    I love your garden, and as for room 'less is more' seems to be the way to go, but hey you sleep on a mat on the floor where you have to fold up your bed and then set up again.... reminding you of any Pittsburgh moments....? At least the Community gave you ample training.

    Thank you for all your pictures so far! I am a huge fan (haha fan...) of windmills!

    Miss you Dakota, your Japanese updates brighten our day in America too.
    Well, it's morning now so,
    Good Night Dakota!

  3. Great to see some pictures. The picture of your bed reminds me of staying on the floors at the Motherhouse. All those weekends on a foam mat in Pittsburgh are finally paying off :-) for your trip to Japan!
